
Entrepreneur IQ

True or false

  • A business plan is unimportant to achieve success?
  • Starting a business based on passion will result in more success than one with my greatest area of expertise?
  • There is only one true calling in someone’s career?
  • A price of a product is determined by my competitors?
  • A SWOT analysis is not important for creating a business?
  • A value proposition is the same as a mission statement?
  • Financial projections are unnecessary for my business to be successful?
  • Fixed costs and variable costs can be estimated in the same calculation?
  • A product is necessary to make $60,000 per year in my own business?

If you answered true to any of these you may need to raise your Entrepreneur IQ to create a business that sustains your life.

Contact a Career IQ expert today to find out

  • Is it time to quit my job and go full time on my business?
  • Why is my current business, if I have one, not making the income I need?
  • What can I do about it?